Salary Confidential: Let’s Talk Money Whether my clients are tech execs or clients at the not-for-profit Dress for Success, the question arises about salary. “How do I respond when the recruiter or hiring manager asks me about my current...
Join host Zakiya Nicole, Marketing & Program Manager at Dress for Success Seattle, and me for a 1 hour workshop about honing your interviewing skills. Intimidated by video interviews? Not sure of how to respond to salary questions? What...
Join host Zakiya Nicole, Marketing & Program Manager at Dress for Success Seattle, and me for a 1 hour workshop about LinkedIn. Bring on your questions! Did you know? 85% of recruiters use LinkedIn 2,000 new jobs posted in Seattle...
Last week I came across several posts, blogs, and videos mentioning hitting the “start button” when it comes to pursuing new avenues. Sounds simple yet is challenging for many regardless if they are launching their first career role, lost...
If you knew there was a 10% success rate for the company you were interested in working for, what decision making criteria would you utilize? According to Failory, 90% of startups fail while “137,000 businesses give birth every day...
I’ve observed over the past 12 months a recurring phenomenon with my executive clients. We discuss their career aspirations and agree on completing our collaboration in 2 weeks. The sobering statistic is that the two-week completion time seldom transpires....
As an executive career consultant, I have several clients seeking to advance their careers or planning retirement within the short term. We discuss the next chapter of giving back plus still staying involved in corporate and not-for-profit settings as...
The last time we got together I discussed travel planning for working abroad. As promised here are my 6 tech tips about working remotely and exploring your new environment. How times have changed. Now you can work anywhere that...
Two-Part Series: Travel Planning and Working Remotely Yes, you can work remotely. Anywhere. The delimiting factor is if the Internet and phone service are available. Maybe you want to unplug? No need to read further. In the annual 2019...
What’s A Sabbatical? You hear more and more about people taking sabbaticals. Work-life balance. It’s no longer just for tenured professors and those in the medical field. Some Fortune 500 companies even encourage it. The difference between a sabbatical...